Domov 5 News in English 5 T4EU “BACHELOR TRACKS” 2024/2025 course offer announced, registrations are already open

T4EU “BACHELOR TRACKS” 2024/2025 course offer announced, registrations are already open

30. julija, 2024

"Bachelor Tracks" is an offer of courses designed by T4EU members each academic year to offer students to choose elective or additional courses from them.

Bachelor Tracks” is an offer of courses designed by T4EU members each academic year to offer students to choose elective or additional courses from them. With the accession of the University of Primorska as a full member of the European University Transform4Europe, UP and other students of T4EU member universities open up new opportunities to strengthen their knowledge. “Bachelor Tracks”is an offer of courses designed by T4EU members each academic year to offer students to choose elective or additional courses from them. Registrations for the new academic year 2024/2025 are already open!

The opportunity is thus open to all UP undergraduatesto choose up to a maximum of 24 ECTS electives or additional courses from the “Bachelor Tracks” course, which they take at other T4EU member universities in online and/or hybrid format.

The full list of courses offered by “Bachelors Tracks” is available: (see “List of Courses” / The list of courses is final by UP, but is updated for other universities). 

From the set of courses, it is possible to choose between the main thematic areas and special subject modules. For each object, the duration and content of the object are indicated, as this varies from object to object. Application deadlines vary depending on the university, listed under “Registration modalities”.

We invite all students of the University of Primorska to take advantage of this opportunity and apply for courses via the online application form:

Follow the T4EU website (tukaj) or the T4EU FB page (tukaj)  or IG (tukaj) o keep up to date with all the news, opportunities and other news. These are also published on the UPR WEBSITE.

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