Domov 5 News in English 5 ŠtartUP – for a perfect start to the academic year

ŠtartUP – for a perfect start to the academic year

3. oktobra, 2024

ŠtartUP is a sports and social event organized by the University of Primorska, with which we start the new academic year together. We invite you to join us on Saturday, October 5, 2024, from 10:00 to 16:00 at Žusterna Seaside Park. The event is open to all students at the University of Primorska, both freshmen and seniors. The event provides an opportunity for networking between freshman and senior students. Networking with colleagues from the University's teaching and professional staff adds a special touch to the event.

The venue offers a relaxed atmosphere by the sea, so it is advisable to bring a picnic blanket or beach towel. Lunch and coffee will be provided for registered participants.


The event will take place from 10:00 to 16:00 in Žusterna Seaside Park, Koper (in case of bad weather, it will be moved to Taverna Koper).

  • A presentation of all the faculties of the University of Primorska, centres and units where students can get involved in extra-curricular activities.
  • More than 55 participating local organisations, associations, institutions and companies have prepared fun activities to show you how to get involved and participate in the extracurricular activities while studying.
  • Sports activities organised by ŠportUP (the official recreation for UP students), which will provide sports activities such as badminton, “štrbunk”, zorbing and paddling.

Accompanying programme

10.15Meditation with gongs – Sandra Majcen 
(30-40 min)
12.00Official opening with the Rector and the MOK representative (15 min)
12.15EuropeDirect StandUP – Jan David Kljenak (20 min)
12.35EuropeDirect StandUP – Benjamin Kovač Keber (20min)
14.00Animation program – Salsa with Fuego Latino, Irish dance, cycling, Capoeira

*Unofficial meet-up after the ŠtartUP event (after 4 p.m.) will be at Canava House Izola

Short introduction of standup comedians:

Jan David Kljenak is a stand-up comedian who is fierier than the flames he encounters every day as a firefighter. When he’s not fighting fires, he’s usually with his family. He loves to swim, but not more than 4 meters from the shore for fear of stepping on an urchin. Once he stepped on a sea urchin and it was not good.

Benjamin Kovač Keber a comedian who does stand-up out of pure love for laughter, comedy and life. He makes short, funny jokes and hilarious dissections of reality.


  • Popotniško združenje Slovenije
  • Akademsko kulturno-umetniško društvo KOLO Koper
  • Gledališče Koper Teatro Capodistria
  • ŠKD Capoeira Tradicao Baiana
  • Google Developer Group On Campus University of Primorska – GDG On Campus UP
  • SLOAM, Agencija za mlade
  • Zavod VITAZEN
  • MareziJazz / Mladinsko društvo Marezige
  • Šah klub koper
  • PKD Erin – Šola irskega plesa
  • Zveza nogometnih sodnikov Slovenije
  • Društvo matematikov, fizikov in astronomov Koper
  • ŠKD Capoeira Tradicao Baiana
  • Zavod Move and Dance
  • Fuego Latino, Keith Kleva
  • Kulturno izobraževalno društvo PiNA / EUROPE DIRECT Koper-Capodistria
  • Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo
  • Studo – aplikacija za tvoj študij
  • Lokostrelski klub Ankaran
  • Ministrstvo za obrambo – Slovenska vojska
  • Javni zavod za spodbujanje podjetništva in razvojne projekte občine Izola (JZP Izola)
  • Ljudska univerza Koper
  • Naredi nekaj za naravo – NNN
  • Študentska organizacija Univerze na Primorskem (ŠOUP)
  • Mjob študentski servis
  • Zveza Sonček so.p.
  • Prostovoljska pisarna Koper – Slovenska filantropija
  • Party Manijaks
  • Barberijan Squad (na dan dogodka bo nudil dobrodelno striženje za Palčico Pomagalčico)
  • AED Društvo
  • Društvo Movement – Club Movement
  • Svetovalni center za otroke, mladostnike in starše Istre
  • IAESTE (International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience) Koper
  • Zavod za soustvarjanje varnejše in vključujoče skupnosti Utopija (Zavod Utopija)
  • Klub študentov občine Piran
  • Zavod za mladino, kulturo in turizem Koper (Center mladih Koper)
  • McDonald’s
  • Mladinska Zveza Brez izgovora Slovenija
  • International Opportunities at University of Primorska
  • InnoRenew CoE
  • Alumni UP
  • Tutorji UP in Študentski svet UP
  • ŠportUP
  • ESN Primorska
  • Klub študentov občine Koper
  • Zavod Modri december, Zavod za spodbujanje zavedanja avtizma in Aspergerjevega sindroma Koper
  • ZD Koper – projekt Virus
  • Center za krepitev zdravja ZD Koper – Preventiva raka dojke in testisov
  • … and other UP faculties, centers and units.

Other partners

  • Sklad Silva – društvo za kakovostno življenje ljudi s posebnimi potrebami
  • Studio Sandra
  • Center Uporabnih Predmetov Izola
  • Canava House (organises an informal meet-up of students and others after the ŠtartUP event, i.e. after 16.00)
  • Hausbrandt1982
  • Europedirect StandUP
  • Palčica Pomagalčica
  • Radio Capris (medijski partner)
  • Red Bull

Apply now

On the day of the event

On the day of the event, we will first meet at the registration desk, where you will receive:

  • a temporary StartUP / OpenUP tattoo (representing your accreditation for the event)
  • newly enrolled students (freshmen) will receive a brand new OpenUP t-shirt (*Important: you can only receive the t-shirt at the ŠtartUP event, there is no collection of t-shirts later)
  • a stamp collection card (It contains the logos of all exhibitors. The system of the event is that you receive a stamp at the exhibitors’ stands when you have successfully completed an activity. For enough stamps, you will receive a small promotional gift at the end)


As we support sustainability, we encourage our visitors to bring:

  • water bottles (bidon), and
  • a container for lunch/lunch boxes (to take food home if there is any leftover food).

Connect with us on social media

We will be collecting and following ŠtartUP highlights under the hashtag #ŠtartUP2024. Feel free to tag us—we’d love to share your event highlights!

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