International summer school of museology and heritage 2024

Domov 5 International summer school of museology and heritage
BIP 2023-1-SI01-KA131-HED-000135761-3

Heritage and Museums for Education and Research. Heritage living labs

Partners: University of Primorska, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Vytautas Magnus University, Saarland University, University of Rijeka


Online activities: 9. – 13. 9. 2024

Onsite (live) activities: University of Primorska, Faculty of Humanities, Koper, Slovenia: 16. – 20. 9. 2024

Grading: Active participation and total attendance are required to pass the course (grades: pass/fail). Participants who meet all requirements will receive a certificate for 3 ECTS.

Student nomination for Blended Intensive Programme

Application deadline: August 20, 2024


Valentina Bertok, spec.
+386 5 663 77 60

Doc. dr. Zrinka Mileusnić


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International Summer School of Museology and Heritage is one of the core activities of the UNESCO Chair of Interpretation and Education for Enhancing Integrated Heritage Approaches at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Primorska, in partnership with the Škocjan Caves Park Unesco destination. It continues the tradition of organisation and implementation of the previous successful International Summer School of Museology. Based on prior experiences, the UNESCO Chair recognised the need to broaden the main topic of summer school, including different issues from the heritage field, not just museology, and offering integrated approaches to heritage research, interpretation, and education.

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New opportunities

In 2023, the University of Primorska joined the Transform for Europe University alliance. The alliance shows a strong focus and excellence in research on heritage. Moreover, the common trait of all universities in the alliance is their experience in contested and dissonant heritage topics and the development of critical heritage studies. Therefore, including the Summer School of Museology and Heritage in the frame of Transform for Europe University alliance activities is an essential step for enriching and upgrading the previous summer school.

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Topic 2024

As part of its tradition, the content will align with the 2024 ICOM International Museum Day topic,» Museums for Education and Research. ” It will be broadened and upgraded to include Heritage and Museums for Education and Research.  The focus of activities will be on the concept of the »living labs« and their implementation in the field of heritage.

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Course description

The course aims to introduce the concept of living labs in heritage field, including research, participative approaches, education and co-creation of interpretation. Living lab methodology offers a framework for addressing the complexities and dissonances inherent in heritage studies, research, education, and interpretation. By promoting inclusive participation, interdisciplinary collaboration, and continuous adaptation, living labs foster equitable, dynamic, and sustainable approach to heritage. This methodology is crucial in critical heritage studies, where the goal is to understand and navigate the contested and multifaceted nature of heritage in contemporary society.

Through lectures, workshops and field work, participants will learn about the main concepts, gain insight into good practices, evaluate the existing practices and build their own research plan for the chosen case studies.


1. ONLINE ACTIVITIES (September 9-13, 2024)

Tuesday, 10. 9. 2024


(Zrinka Mileusnić, Neža Čebron Lipovec)

Students will be introduced to the main topics of critical heritage studies, typology of dissonances and the concept of living labs and importance of its implementation in heritage studies.

After the lecture, participants will receive the guidelines for the preparatory assignment. They will have to choose an example of heritage and explain shortly why they think the living lab approach could be applied for its research, education and interpretation. They will have to prepare this by the first live meeting.

2. LIVE ACTIVITIES (September 16-20, 2024)

Monday, 16. 9. 2024

Morning session (9.00-13.00)

ICEBREAKER WORKSHOP (Zrinka Mileusnić & all)

Icebreaker session aims to build up the group of participants and let them know each other. Each participant will shortly present him/herself by using the chosen example of heritage and explain the reasons for its selection, recognized values and dissonances.

Besides creating the basis for the group “spirit” it also enables participants to learn about others’ heritage, values, and challenges, thus creating the basis for the collaborative multicultural environment.

Build-up of this activity is grouping by topic and – insofar as possible – in international teams to foster collaboration and getting to know each other.

Participants will receive materials and assignments for each following day for providing feedback on each topic.


Afternoon session (14.00-17.00)


(Neža Čebron Lipovec & support. Zrinka Mileusnić)

Interpretative heritage walks with open discussion and museum visit.

Tuesday, 17. 9. 2024

Morning session (9.00-13.00)


(Ivo Strahilov, Daniela Koleva)

This workshop aims to shed light on the complex dynamics of heritage production and consumption in Southeastern Europe, with a particular focus on nowadays Bulgaria. It critically examines the concept of the ‘crossroad of civilisations’ as a representation of a historical amalgamation of various cultures and religions. Through investigating different heritage fragments – both celebrated and contested ones – the course explores interrelations, dependencies, and hierarchies between them. The processes of heritagization are examined in relation to regional and European dynamics that reinforce or question the notions of Europe’s core and periphery.


Afternoon session (14.00-17.00)


(Nora Benterbusch)

Theoretical lecture on semiotic and narrative aspects of material, spatial heritage and ways of presenting it or telling stories with it. Or more precisely, how the presentation can be analysed. Using intermedial approaches (e.g. Lars Elleström) and Tricia Austin’s framework for narrative environments, lecturer developed a kind of questionnaire with students as a guide for a field trip to memorial museums in Berlin last summer and other narrative environments in winter.


RESEARCH IN HE – Heritage based students’ practice and projects – examples from University of Rijeka

(Danko Dujmović)

Examples of student practice and projects organized in museological courses at Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka, will be presented.

Wednesday, 18. 9. 2024

FIELDWORK DAY – KARST HERITAGE (all day; 8.00-16.00)

(Neža Čebron Lipovec, Katja Hrobat Virloget, &al)

Karst region heritage – Mythological Park and Medieval frescos project of dispersed museum in the making. Visit with critical assessment assignments.

Thursday, 19. 9. 2024

Morning session (9.00-13.00)


(Irena Lazar, support Neža Čebron Lipovec, Zrinka Mileusnić)

Presentation of the Living lab approaches in heritage-oriented study programmes at the University of Primorska.


Afternoon session (14.00-17.00)

FIELDWORK AFTERNOON Visit of Archaeological Park

(Irena Lazar, Neža Čebron Lipovec, Zrinka Mileusnić, Andrej Preložnik)

Visit with critical assessment assignments.

Friday, 20. 9. 2024

Morning session (9.00-13.00)

(all teachers)

Working on own examples – creation of the research concept of a living lab for the chosen examples presented on the first day.


Afternoon session (14.00-17.00)

(all teachers and students)

Presentation of concepts.

Discussion on key topics: contested heritage, heritage dissonances, living labs, interpretation, interpretation centres, museums, dynamic interactive education.

Conclusion and certificates.

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We recommend booking accommodations in Port or Prisoje student dorms for your stay during the summer school.
When making your reservation, please mention that you are a summer school participant to ensure special accommodation prices.
For more detailed information on accommodation options and to make reservations, please visit the following link:
We encourage you to book your accommodations as soon as possible to ensure availability.

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