Erasmus+ praksa

Domov 5 Mednarodno 5 Erasmus+ praksa

Predstavitev programa

Program Erasmus+ omogoča študentom in mladim diplomantom, da v okviru svojega študija ali v 12 mesecih po diplomi opravijo prakso/ usposabljanje v podjetju ali podobni organizaciji v eni izmed držav, ki sodelujejo v programu Erasmus+.

Cilji tovrstne mobilnosti so:

• povečanje zaposljivosti in možnosti zaposlitve,
• povečanje iniciativnosti in podjetništva,
• povečanje samozavesti in samospoštovanja,
• izboljšanje jezikovnih sposobnosti,
• povečanje medkulturne zavesti.
• povečanje motiviranosti za nadaljnje izobraževanje (formalno in neformalno) in usposabljanje po opravljeni mobilnosti.

Praksa/ usposabljanje v tujini v okviru programa Erasmus+ mora biti vsebinsko povezana s področjem študija.

Preden se student prijavi na študijsko prakso mora imeti podpisan ŠTUDIJSKI SPORAZUM za PRAKSO (LEARNING AGREEMENT FOR TRAINEESHIP) Študijski sporazum na UP FHŠ podpišejo koordinator prakse na oddelku, študent in delodajalec.

Razpis za mednarodne izmenjave z namenom praktičnega usposabljanja v okviru programa Erasmus+ KA131

Novost pri razpisu za mednarodne izmenjave z namenom praktičnega usposabljanja v študijskem letu 2023/2024 je ta, da je rok prijave na razpis določen kot odprti rok prijave.

Institucija opravljanja izmenjav je lahko tudi katera koli javna ali zasebna organizacija, ki je dejavna na trgu dela ali področju izobraževanja, usposabljanja, mladine, raziskav in inovacij, neprofitna organizacija, združenje, nevladna organizacija, organ, ki zagotavlja poklicno usmerjanje, poklicno svetovanje in informacijske storitve, visokošolska institucija, razen v naslednjih institucijah: – institucije in drugi organi EU, vključno s specializiranimi agencijami (podroben seznam je na voljo na TUKAJ); – organizacije, ki upravljajo programe EU, na primer nacionalne agencije Erasmus+.

V pomoč pri izbiri vam je lahko spletna stran ErasmusIntern, ki podjetjem in organizacijam omogoča, da objavijo svoje razpise za Erasmus+ praktično usposabljanje.

PRILOGA 1 (Program usposabljanja - Training agreement)
PRILOGA 2 (Navodila za program usposabljanja)
PRILOGA 3 (Možnosti sofinanciranja)
PRILOGA 4 (Spletna jezikovna podpora)

Kam na prakso?


Association of Universities of the Adriatic Ionian Region UniAdrion

The deadline to apply has been extended to May 31st 2024.

We would like to inform you that our Association of Universities of the Adriatic Ionian Region (UniAdrion), together with the Forum of Adriatic and Ionian Chambers of Commerce (Forum AIC), is promoting again Western-BALKANship project, the internship opportunity for students belonging to the UniAdrion Universities network.

We would like to remind you that this initiative gives the opportunity to UniAdrion University students to carry out a 3-month internship in selected companies in the Adriatic-Ionian area and aims at promoting cross-border cooperation, so that Italian students could go to the Balkans and vice versa.

The internships will be fully financed through scholarships provided directly to the students, who will be covered by civil liability and work accident insurance.

We also share with you the call for applications with all the necessary information. Please note that the deadline to apply has been extended to May 31st 2024.


Generalni konzulat Republike Slovenije obvešča o možnosti opravljanja prostovoljne  Erasmus+ študijske prakse študentom slovenskih univerz.

Več informacij dobite v PRILOGI.


The summer internship program at Bella Vista Hotel provides students with practical, hands-on experience and exposure to the workings of a small enterprise in the hotel industry.Through this work practice, students have the chance to gain first-hand experience in hospitality, management, tourism and entrepreneurship. Summer internships in Greece don’t get more hands-on than this.

Throughout your Erasmus internship, students will meet other international interns and make new friends and connections. The emphasis of the placement is on hotel management and entrepreneurship, and to provide knowledge to students in a relaxed environment.

In addition to the practical training, students have the opportunity to live next to the beach in Benitses, Corfu, and take advantage of all the beauty the island has to offer. Interns often rent a car to see more of the beautiful island on their days off. This is especially encouraged to those on a social media marketing internship so you can create juicy content for our various channels.


WESTERN BALKANSHIP PROJECT (trimesečna študijska praksa)

The “Western Balkanship” project, is a pilot project funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) through The Permanent Secretariat of the Adriatic Ionian Initiative Foundation (PS AII).

The Fora of Civil Society (Forum AIC and UniAdrion) have been called to implement the project that will give the Students from UniAdrion Universities the possibility to carry out a three-month cross-border mobility in selected companies from the Adriatic and Ionian Area.

For each selected student (one student from each UniAdrion University), financial support will be provided by the implementing partners (Forum AIC and UniAdrion) to partially contribute to the student’s livelihood during the mobility period. The students will also be covered by insurance for civil liability, accidents at work, and medical health through the implementing partners. No costs will therefore be charged to companies and Universities taking part in the initiative.

The objectives of this project are many: strengthening international cooperation between countries, promoting mobility for structured cross-border mobilities, creating new employment opportunities for young graduates and recent graduates, providing companies with specialised personnel and increasing the economic development of the area.

The students’ mobility experience should be in line with their University career, therefore a representative from the University will be asked to sign the “Cross-border Mobility training project” to validate the experience of the student.

You can find more information about the Western-Balkanship Call at this link:

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS – WesternBalkanship – Forum AIC


(, a nonprofit nongovernmental organization established in north Cyprus with a focus on the protection of local species and habitats.

In the attachment below, please see the Catalogue of Internship placements that are offered by our conservation organization for the year 2024. These placements are especially suitable for students and graduates of programs related to biology, ecology, environmental protection, animal care, nature management, veterinary medicine, social media, and media production. A full list of our current programs can be reviewed following the link: 

I believe that many students from your University would be interested in going on an internship abroad, but they may not know where to find a hosting institution and how to apply for such placements. The general information about our current placements, requirements, and other details are summarized in the catalogue below and on our volunteering web pages. We are currently preparing new internship programs (such as monitoring of donkeys, or bird nest boxes) so it may be useful for the students to regularly check our web pages. Our programs are suitable to be considered Erasmus+ placements and the living expenses can be therefore covered by an Erasmus+ scholarship.



Internships & placements in local hosting companies combined with cultural activities:

Our 14 year experience hosting Erasmus students in the island enable us to offer placements for your students in all the industries: from hospitality & tourism to any other areas your students are involved.
Ask for a budget to have your mobility under control and let us find the hosting companies and organize the agenda for you including transfers, activities and much more.

Hope to see you back around in the sun¡¡


1 do 6-mesečna praksa Unije za Mediteran



Every year we offer paid internship opportunities for undergraduates who would like to gain experience working in communications and translation industry as project and vendor managers.
We are able to provide full training in CAT tools RWS GroupShare, RWS Live Team, Trados Studio 2021 and Plunet management system.


The School of Arts and Humanities of Lisboa is now receiving EU students applications to“Erasmus + Student Mobility for traineeships 2022/23”.In case you have an interest in performing an internship at the School of Arts and Humanities – International Cooperation

Office apply to:

Internships can last 3 to 12 months and can take place between the 1st of September 2022 and the 31st of July 2023. Students must apply to the call as soon as convenient. Should you require additional information, please send us an email to:


Tel. 965043052
WApp: 671142706

We are a thriving and dynamic language academy situated in Alicante; Spain.
Currently, we teach several languages such as English, Italian, French and Spanish. We continually hire Erasmus students in order for them to become better equipped English teachers in their future careers.

In our language center, you can get the opportunity to teach different levels and a wide range of courses. We are looking for new interns for the academic year 2022/23 and also for Summer 2023.

The positions open are:
– English Teacher
– French Teacher


P: +356 7704 4917
E: /

English Café Malta, a company operating in the event industry in Malta.
We are experienced in having interns from all over Europe and we offer them great experience and knowledge for their future careers. We would like to offer your university and your students a chance to do an internship for English Café.


Placement in Portugal is searching for the best candidates for the following positions:




For those interested, all the information to proceed with the application will be available on our website (

Opravljanje prakse na inštitutu za antropologijo v Zagrebu je bila zame izjemna in nepozabna dogodivščina, s katero sem dobila priložnost praktično nadgraditi pridobljeno znanje, kot tudi razširiti obzorja. Ne samo vedenjska, ampak tudi jezikovna, prijateljska in kulturna. Ta izkušnja me je nedvomno obogatila, tako študijsko kot osebnostno, z njo sem dobila pravi zagon in motivacijo za pisanje magistrskega dela.


Študijska praksa v Zagrebu

Uporabni naslovi za prakso po Evropi in svetu

7. novembra 2022 sem odpotovala na študijsko prakso v Barcelono. Delala naj bi večinoma na recepciji, včasih pomagala pri pripravi zajtrka in zvečer v lokalu. Ob delu se mi je ponudila možnost, da živim v hostlu, kar sem sprejela in tako privarčevala kar veliko denarja. Sobo sem delila še s šestimi mladimi, ki so prav tako opravljali prakso. Po nekaj mesecih skupnega življenja trenutno stanujem s prijateljico v mestnem središču.

Pogodba za opravljanje študijske prakse je bila sklenjena le za 3 mesece, ker pa me je Barcelona tako očarala, sem se odločila, da prakso podaljšam. Na praksi sem dobila nove prijatelje in vsak dan spoznavam nove ljudi. Tudi delo mi je postajalo vsak dan bolj všeč, saj sem postajala vse bolj samostojna in spretna, predvsem na recepciji. Moja nadrejena sta napredek opazila in mi ponudila delo receptorke v poletni sezoni. Seveda sem ponudbo takoj sprejela.

V teh mesecih sem veliko potovala predvsem po Španiji – bila sem v Valencii, Zaragozi, Madridu, v Bilbau, v San Sebastianu, pa tudi v Andorri in v Perpignanu. Svoj kovček sem napolnila z novimi in čudovitimi izkušnjami. Barcelona je postala moj drugi dom, počutim se sprejeta in srečna. Izboljšala sem svoje znanje španščine, hkrati pa tudi angleščine. Ogromno pa sem pridobila tudi na osebni ravni.  Izkušnja je zelo spremenila predvsem moj pogled na svet. Razumela sem, da se svet ne začne in konča v rojstnem kraju, mestu in državi, le stopiti moraš iz cone udobja. Nestrpno pričakujem prihodnje mesece.


Študijska praksa v Barceloni

Erasmus+ ZOOM klepetalnica za študente UP

vsako sredo od 10.00 do 11.00 ure informacije o mednarodnih izmenjavah!

Meeting ID: 867 7105 3868

Služba za mednarodno sodelovanje in razvoj

Univerza na Primorskem Fakulteta za humanistične študije
Titov trg 5, 6000 Koper

Pisarna se nahaja v 4. nadstropju zgradbe UP FHŠ.

Uradne ure: Po predhodnem dogovoru po e-pošti.


Valentina Bertok, spec.
Kontaktna oseba za mednarodno sodelovanje
+386 5 663 77 60

doc. dr. Zrinka Mileusnić
Prodekanja za mednarodno sodelovanje in kakovost

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