Slavnostni govorniki: Saša Likavec Svetelšek (županja Hrpelje-Kozina), Sandy Klub (župan, Dolina pri Trstu), Sandi Curk (poveljnik Civilne zaščite), izr. prof. dr. Jure Gombač (ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana), izr. prof. dr. Roberta Altin (Univerza v Trstu), izr. prof dr. Katja Hrobat Virloget (Univerza na Primorskem).
Razstava pripoveduje o nevidnih prehodih, ki puščajo vidne sledi. Predmeti, ki so del našega življenja, našega sveta, našega vsakdana. Dobrodošli in dobrodošle na vrtu (ne)vidnih. Na vrtu (ne)vidnih so razstavljeni nekateri predmeti, ki so bili zapuščeni na meji s Hrvaško, Slovenijo in Italijo in so jih zbrali profesorji/profesorice in študenti/študentke Univerze na Primorskem in Univerze v Trstu.
Razstava bo na ogled do 14. marca 2024, nato se seli na Univerzo na Primorskem in maja na Univerzo v Trstu.
You are invited to the opening of the exhibition The Garden of the (In)Visible
Friday, 1 March 2024 at 18.00 in the Hrpelje Cultural Centre (Reška cesta 14, Hrpelje).
Keynote speakers: Saša Likavec Svetelšek (Mayor of Hrpelje-Kozina), Sandy Klub (Mayor, Dolina pri Trstu), Sandi Curk (Commander of the Civil Protection), Assoc. prof. dr. Jure Gombač (ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana), Assoc. prof. dr. Roberta Altin (University of Trieste), Assoc. prof. dr. Katja Hrobat Virloget (University of Primorska).
The exhibition tells the story of invisible passages that leave visible traces. Objects that are part of our lives, our world, our everyday life. Welcome to the Garden of the (In)Visible. The Garden of the (In)Visible exhibits some of the objects that were abandoned at the borders with Croatia, Slovenia and Italy, collected by professors and students of the University of Primorska and the University of Trieste.
The exhibition will be on display until 14 March 2024, then it moves to the University of Primorska and in May to the University of Trieste.