MediaLab Center

Domov 5 EN 5 Research 5 MediaLab Center


The MediaLab Center was established in 2021 as an organisational unit of the Faculty of Humanities with the aim to bring together different forms of teaching, developing and producing audiovisual content, to establish professional supervision for the development of social science methods of communication research, to carry out opinion polls, and to bring together ideas for the development and implementation of research projects in the field of communication.

The Centre aims to offer knowledge, space and equipment to students, researchers and artists for independent work, preparation of exam papers, final theses and independent research, to offer citizens and public institutions effective technological and multimedia support in the development of citizen journalism, and to work with the media in their development and strengthening of their democratic role in society.


The specific objectives of the MediaLab Center are:

  • Acquisition and transfer of new knowledge and skills useful in media production, artistic production of audiovisual works and opinion polling.
  • Developing a methodology for social science research on communication and conducting opinion polls.
  • Development of research projects in the field of communication and media.
  • Sharing research and audiovisual production achievements with partner organisations and institutions, other universities, related centres and the public.


Head of the MediaLab Center
Assoc. Prof. Peter Sekloča

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