Intercultural Linguistic Mediation

Bachelor`s Study Programme

Domov 5 EN 5 Study 5 Undergraduate 5 Intercultural Linguistic Mediation


The programme provides training for translation and language mediation between English, French, Italian, Chinese and Slovenian cultures, and also enables the acquisition of an additional foreign language. With a wide range of foreign languages, graduates are trained for a job profile in intercultural communication and intercultural mediation, especially where there is a need to know several foreign languages. The study takes place in small groups and is tailored to the individual. The special feature of the program is the mandatory one-semester internship abroad, which enables the acquisition of a foreign language in the home environment and ensures better employment opportunities in the environment in which the students do their internship. Even in the home environment, contacts with future employers are taken care of by integration into the local and wider environment, especially with the help of extracurricular activities. After completing their studies, students can focus on postgraduate studies in the field of intercultural language communication, translation or pedagogical studies in other related fields of study.

The study is possible in four directions: English-Slovenian, English-French, English-Italian and English-Chinese.

Programme Information

Title and Level of Qualification

Bachelor (BA) Mediator in Languages ​​and Cultures

Type and Duration

Single-discipline undergraduate programme, full-time study

Duration: 3 Years / 180 ECTS

Classification (KLASIUS-P-16)

0231 Language Acquisition (other, foreign, sign language, translation studies)

Admission Requirements 2024/25

Admission to the first year of study programme Intercultural Linguistic Mediation shall be granted to the candidates who have:

a) passed the general matura examination;

b) passed the vocational matura in one of the four-year secondary-school programmes that is
classified in:

– KLASIUS-P-16 classification: broad area 02; or
– FORD classification: area 6; or
– ARRS classification: area 6; or
– CERIF classification: area H;

and also passed a final examination in one of the general matura subjects: English, French, Greek, Italian, Latin, German, Russian, Spanish, Sociology, Philosophy, History, Geography, Economy, Computing, Informatics, Slovene as a second language (high school with Italian as a language of instruction in the ethnically mixed area of Slovenian Istria); the selected subject cannot be the same as the subject passed in the framework of the vocational matura;

c) successfully completed any four-year secondary-school programme before 1 June 1995.

For successful enrolment in the study programme the foreknowledge of 420 hours of English language course (B2 level) is recommended. In the frame of the Module »English-Italian« the study of Italian language can be chosen on basic or advanced level. The Module »English-French« offers the study of French language on basic level. The Module »English-Chinese« offers the study of Chinese language on basic level.


In Case of Enrolment Limitation

the candidates under a) and c) are selected according to:

– overall performance in the general matura or final exam respectively: 70 % of points awarded,
– overall performance in secondary grades 3 and 4: 30 % of points awarded.

the candidates under b) above are selected according to:

– overall performance in the vocational matura: 40 % of points awarded,
– overall performance in secondary grades 3 and 4: 30 % of points awarded,
– the performance in the selected general matura subject: 30 % of points awarded.

Admission Requirements 2025/26

Admission to the first year of study programme Intercultural Linguistic Mediation shall be granted to the candidates who have:

a) passed the general matura examination;

b) passed the vocational matura in one of the four-year secondary-school programmes that is classified in:
– KLASIUS-P-16 classification: broad area 02; or
– FORD classification: area 6; or
– ARRS classification: area 6; or
– CERIF classification: area H;

and also passed a final examination in one of the general matura subjects: English, French, Greek, Italian, Latin, German, Russian, Spanish, Sociology, Philosophy, History, Geography, Economy, Computing, Informatics, Slovene as a second language (high school with Italian as a language of instruction in the ethnically mixed area of Slovenian Istria); the selected subject cannot be the same as the subject passed in the framework of the vocational matura;

c) successfully completed any four-year secondary-school programme before 1 June 1995.

For successful enrolment in the study programme the foreknowledge of 420 hours of English language course (B2 level) is recommended. In the frame of the Module »English-Italian« the study of Italian language can be chosen on basic or advanced level. The Module »English-French« offers the study of French language on basic level. The Module »English-Chinese« offers the study of Chinese language on basic level. Enrolment in the »Basic Italian Module« is possible for candidates without prior knowledge or with an initial level of knowledge of the Italian language, while for enrolment in the »Intermediate Module« the foreknowledge of 350 hours of Italian language course is recommended.

Number of available Places

Slovenian citizens and other citizens of Member States of the European Union: 40

Slovenians without Slovenian citizenship: 4

Foreign citizens of non-European Union countries: 8

Parallel studies: 4

The programme promotes innovative approaches to teaching. Teachers encourage us to actively participate in lessons, to share our opinions and, above all, to think outside the box.

Classes are culturally mixed, allowing us to get to know other cultures. I have many new friends from other parts of Europe.

The program provides an opportunity for personal growth. It constantly challenges us to critically define ourselves and to form our own opinions.

I learned a lot of important things about my mother tongue. The program offers a variety of items. I love how open, reachable, and friendly professors are.


Undergraduate Study Programmes

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