Domov 5 News in English 5 Call for enrolment in undergraduate study programmes of the university of primorska in the academic year 2025/2026

Call for enrolment in undergraduate study programmes of the university of primorska in the academic year 2025/2026

3. februarja, 2025

In the framework of the Call for Enrolment in undergraduate and unified master's study programmes in the academic year 2025/2026, the University of Primorska announces the following free enrolment places for 30 undergraduate study programmes (7 higher professional and 23 academic study programmes): 1.545 enrolment places for Slovenian citizens and EU citizens, of which 1.225 are for full-time study and 320 for part-time study, 76 enrolment places for Slovenians without Slovenian citizenship, of which 60 are for full-time and 16 for part-time study, 207 enrolment places for citizens of Western Balkans countries, with which the Republic of Slovenia has a bilateral agreement in the field of education (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo, Serbia, North Macedonia), of which 185 are for full-time and 22 for part-time study, and 76 enrolment places for foreign citizens of non EU countries, of which 64 are for full-time and 12 for part-time study.

For the 1st year of study, there are also 100 enrolment places for candidates for parallel studies. The Call of Enrolment is available here.

The application for enrolment is entirely electronic on the eVŠ web portal. The candidate submits the application with a means of electronic identification of at least a medium level of reliability (with a qualified digital certificate, smsPASS, e-identity card) or with an AAI account (account of the authentication and authorization infrastructure) or with a username and password via the system SI-PASS, which operates within the framework of the Trust Service Authority of Slovenia.

Each candidate can submit one application for enrolment, where they select a maximum of three study programmes in the order of priority, in which they wish to enrol and for which they meet or will meet the conditions for enrolment by the deadline. The order of the selected study programmes is important, as the candidate will be ranked in the first study programme for which they will meet all the conditions.

The first application period for enrolment will be:

  •  for Slovenian citizens, citizens of the EU Member States and Slovenians without Slovenian citizenship from 18 February to 18 March 2025,
  •  for foreign citizens from non EU countries from 18 February to 30 June 2025.

What’s new in the call 2025/2026? The professional (part-time) study programme Pre-school Teaching (UP Faculty of Education) is offered at the dislocated unit in Slovenske Konjice.

The list of undergraduate study programmes in English language that are announced in the Call for enrolment 2025/2026:

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