Domov 5 Oddelki 5 Oddelek za antropologijo in kulturne študije 5 Gostujoče predavanje: Researching on stories for better understanding society and history Enrica Marie Milič

Gostujoče predavanje: Researching on stories for better understanding society and history Enrica Marie Milič

14. marca, 2023

V okviru predmeta Zgodovina tradicionalne ljudske kulture bomo gostili antropologa, Enrica Marie Milič, iz Italije, ki je magistriral v Belfastu.

Predavanje bo v ponedeljek, 20. 3. 2023, ob 12.30 v Sejni sobi na UP FHŠ v angleškem jeziku.

Tematika in opis predavanja:

Why should we get in touch with episodes and life stories of common people? How can we get insights for better writing history and uncovering values and bonds building the shared experience of the world? In this lesson, the forthcoming book ‘La Locanda ai Margini d’Europa’ (‘The inn at the borders of Europe’) will serve as a case study. The book is the story lasting more than 150 years of ‘Lokanda Devetak’, a inn run in the same place by the same family for more than 150 years, in San Michele del Carso (Vrh), in the region of Kras (Carso), in Italy. The Devetak family, part of the minority community of Slovenes in Italy, still hold on their sentimental resistance which has gone through wars, dictatorships and the pervasive power of modern capitalism. The lesson will be held by Enrico Maria Milič, MA in Social Anthropology at the Queen’s of Belfast and will provide analysis on how history and anthropology are helped by a qualitative methodology and a special focus on the emotional aspects of culture. Avguštin Devetak will be present. He is one of the the main charachters of the book and owner of the Devetak inn which, for decades, has been one of the most appreciated inns in Italy with several awards, like the Michelin Green Star 2023.

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